Saturday, June 7, 2014

Hello, Beautiful People!

It's been three months.


I'm tired of saying cheesy, fluffy things like, "I'm back," or "I've missed you all so much," so I'm going to jump straight into things. Believe me, I have missed you, but I'm not going to waste your time by forcing you to read something obvious. :)

So let's get started.

This is going to be a fun post. I'm already looking forward to publishing it. I have to do something entertaining to make up for lost time, so you may want to sit somewhere with good back support so you won't injure yourself laughing or maybe make a cup of tea so you don't lose your voice from screeching, "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" (I nearly did.)

Video one. I'll start with something wintry. It's slowly becoming more hot around here. Well, I say slowly. Haha. Seriously, though, for those of you who have never had the pleasure of experiencing a South Carolinian summer, you're in for a melted, messy treat. I'll quickly describe it for you.

It's day three of staying cooped up indoors. After watching all the episodes of your favorite show on Netflix or maybe reading the last in a series of well-loved books, your back is most likely hurting from lack of movement (couch potato!) and your head is dying for some mental stimulation. You decide to go outside. After getting up off the couch for the first time in hours, you discover that there are Cheetos in your hair from snacking as you sat there like an old shoe in mud. You try to make yourself somewhat presentable.

Big mistake.

As you turn the doorknob, you think about how desperate you are to see the sun and get some fresh air. This thought is quickly squashed when you realize that the air is so humid that you can hardly breathe and the sun makes you feel like an ant under a magnifying glass. You retreat to the air conditioning before you collapse! That being said, I think it's time to watch something a little wintry.

Cute, huh? Anyway, our next video was shown on "Outrageous Acts Of Science." It's one of the most adorable things I've ever seen. At first you think, "Eeew, a frog." Then you listen and realize how cute it is. I dare you not to smile.

This video is different from the last two. It doesn't involve cute animals; instead it's a song. For those of you who have seen "Pitch Perfect" (I must be the only person alive who doesn't like that movie) or listen to the radio, you are probably familiar with "When I'm Gone (The Cup Song)". Well, this is a cover of the song, but in Irish! Over the past few months, I've been obsessing over Irish and Scottish things. I think I've lost some of my hearing from all the bagpipe music I've been listening to. (Honestly, it's a good way to go. Haha.) I found this on YouTube, and thought it was worthy of sharing. Enjoy!

I hope you've enjoyed this post! Coming soon: my bucket list. Sort of. Mwahaha. :)

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