1. COLDPLAY. I really like Pandora Internet Radio, and it has helped me get to hear some great artists. However, I've been ignoring one of my favorite artists for a long time. A few days ago, I decided to listen to my Coldplay radio station. It was great! It was as if I had been sent back in time to this time last year when I was obsessed with Coldplay and life was perfect! It's amazing how music can do that.
2. Tea. Tea is another thing that was a huge part of 2012 for me. Several years ago, my family and I were visiting a friend's house for a fly-in (a fly-in is basically the coolest thing because a whole bunch of pilots fly their planes to the person's house and land on their runway and they all eat and talk about airplanes) and I was digging through one of the coolers looking for something to drink. At that point in my life, the only things I would willingly drink were milk, lemonade, water, and sometimes juice. I detested soda (the fizzing sort of scared me, to be honest) and I had already had so much water and lemonade that I really didn't want any more. After finding several cans of Coke (eeeww) I finally pulled out a bottle of Lipton citrus green tea. I was wary of tea, because I had a traumatizing tea experience as a small child. My grandmother was babysitting and I wanted something to drink. I asked for apple juice, so she opened the refrigerator and took out what appeared to be apple juice, but was in fact TEA. This tea was not the amazing sweet stuff that is practically worshiped in the South; it was my dad's tea. He never adds any sugar, and it is very dilute, which causes it to taste something like ocean water that's full of dead fish. Just saying. Anyway, I prepared myself to drink apple juice, which tastes like angel tears and butterfly milk and the laughter of Tom Hiddleston, and it turns out to be this nasty stuff that tastes like death and the tears of small children. Traumatizing. I snapped out of my little flashback and decided to try this tea. After all, it said citrus on the bottle; what's not to like about that? I opened the bottle and tasted it. I froze, and experienced the universe and all its beauty running through my mind. It was great! Flash forward to 2012. I must have had another bottle at some social function, and I convinced my mom to try it. She really liked it (and still does) so it became a staple at our house. For some reason, we must have stopped buying it for a while. We recently bought some to take on the boat with us, and it made me think back to 2012, the year of tea. It's great when you eat or drink something that takes you back in time. I would really like to start making my own tea and trying different kinds. I think it would be interesting!
3. This song:
4. Books! I finished The House of Hades two days ago (that is the book that was just released; the fourth book in the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan. It was truly an emotional roller coaster! I still can't believe that I have to wait another year to find out what happens. Bummer. Reading that book reminded me of the fact that books are the most amazing things; with twenty-six letters, authors have the ability to take you anywhere. You can lose yourself in the pages of a book. If someone tries to talk to you, you cannot hear or see them, because you are lost in another world. Reading is an amazing thing.
5. I may be going to Dairy Queen this afternoon. Yay! I usually get the chocolate extreme blizzard with extra fudge and chocolate soft serve.
6. Autumn! I love autumn. In the South, autumn is when people leave their air conditioned houses that they were trapped in during the hot summer and actually do things outside. The weather is perfect. The smells of leaves on the ground and burning wood fill the air. People open their windows, welcoming the fresh, crisp air to enter their homes and replace the stale air that was trapped inside all summer. It's a time of beauty and renewal.
Hopefully you smiled a few times while reading this. Now, go out and find some happiness for yourself!
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