Thursday, October 10, 2013

You've Got This! :)

Philippians 4:6

I realize that since school is now in full swing, many students and teachers are suffering under the stress of studying, writing papers, grading tests, and so much more! Even if you are not a student, it is seriously unlikely that your life is perfect. No matter what you are experiencing, I hope that this post will inspire you, uplift you, and fill you with determination to face whatever lies ahead!

The first thing you should know is that if you think you are facing this alone, you are so, so, so wrong. God is always looking out for you! I once read a really good quote that said, "Have you prayed about it as much as you have talked about it?" I try to think of this whenever I find myself complaining to others about things. It is helpful to have the support of friends and family, but God is always there to go to for help. Think about it. The same being that created the world and everything in it with a few simple words cares about you. That's pretty cool, right?

Secondly: When you are stressed, take care of yourself. Now is no time to slack off and skip dinner because you are too busy doing something else. Eat healthful foods. If you maintain good eating habits, you will be in a better mood. Drink lots of water. Also, take time to stretch! I find that it relaxes me and clears my mind. Pamper yourself! Bubble baths are good for relieving stress. GET LOTS AND LOTS OF SLEEP!!!!


Count your blessings. Instead of dwelling on your problems, think about the little things that make life amazing! I personally enjoy warm socks, the smell of leaves on the ground in autumn, sweatshirts, and music! If you are reading this, you are obviously fortunate enough to have access to a computer. Awesome! There is one thing already for your list. :)

Develop the habit of saying thank you.  When you are polite and respectful to others, it is contagious! Spread love and happiness instead of sadness and hate. You really do have the power to change lives through small acts of kindness. Smile more!

Try something new or do something crazy. I came home from school last Friday and decided to take a short nap. I didn't wake up until Saturday morning! I had not slept that well in weeks. I was in a daze. It was about seven in the morning, and the sun was about to rise. I went downstairs and ate my oatmeal in the silence and stillness. I was in that beautiful state, caught up between my dreams and reality. The soft light began to filter through the windows. It was so simple, yet beautiful. Ii walked over to the window and put my hand in the light. Suddenly, I felt a strong urge to be outside. I grabbed my nook and put on the Pride and Prejudice movie piano solo and walked out into the cold, wet grass without any shoes on and in my pajamas. I walked around until I saw the sun. The first light of the day warmed my face, and in that moment, I felt like that spot was the center of the universe. It was so beautiful, yet so simple. That small act of walking outside allowed me to experience something new and amazing. It made me so happy! Listen to these songs, too. The first one is especially good if you are feeling the urge to dash outside in your pajamas at the crack of dawn. ;)

Do things that make you happy. Another way I manage stress and worry is to have a Disney movie marathon. Disney movies are so innocent and happy. I also like fresh flowers and listening to Christmas music. Everyone has quirks that make them unique. If you embrace these quirks, you will become more happy and more confident in yourself and that confidence will inspire others!

Another piece of advice- if you are worried that you will forget something, come up with clever ideas to keep yourself organized. I like to leave sticky notes for myself. Also, invest in a planner. Those things are seriously underrated. :)

I hope you will conquer whatever problem you are facing and succeed at all tasks before you. God bless!



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