Saturday, December 19, 2015

A Long Time Ago In A Manger Far, Far Away...

Today is the first day of Christmas Break! Yaaaaaay!
Guess what all the AP science classes in my school saw yesterday!

STAR WARS!!!!!!!!!

After my physics teacher told us that she had gotten the field trip approved (probably used a Jedi mind trick), we all waited in anxious expectation for the 18th. And it finally came. Yesterday morning, we all came to school dressed in our finest Star Wars attire. The moment the lights dimmed, the Star Wars logo appeared, and John Williams' epic score boomed in the theater, we all screamed and stood up and clapped. Some of my friends even cried out of excitement. The sense of camaraderie was nearly palpable. I settled into my seat and began to watch as the next installment of the saga played.  

I have to say, I was not disappointed. It was everything I had hoped for and more. 

Star Wars reminds me of another story that took place a long time ago. 
*cue the dramatic music and imagine these words scrolling into the starry abyss*

It is a period of distrust, fear, and hopelessness. For many years, the evil Roman Empire has 

oppressed the Jews. A decree was issued from Emperor Augustus that all the world should be 


Following the decree, Joseph and Mary race home to Bethlehem, and in a humble stable, Jesus, the 

great hero of all mankind is born. Out of the darkness, a new hope is found...

Star Wars makes me think of the New Testament. The world is being oppressed and ruled by the corrupt Roman Empire. A humble hero, the Son of God, arises and is guided by the Holy Spirit, the force which flows through all living things and binds the universe together. Through a series of selfless acts and eventually a powerful sacrifice, mankind is redeemed and given new life. 

If we are this excited about Star Wars, a great fictional story, how much more excited can we be about an even greater story that actually took place? This Christmas season, I challenge you to live deliberately. Live with hope. Live knowing that you are given new life and loved by the Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. We are triumphant over the dark forces of this world thanks to the good force of God's love. 

Merry Christmas, and may the Force be with you! 

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